Healing paths for solitary twins

– held in English:

Are you often

  •  feeling sad and incomplete?
  • suffering from unsatiable loneliness?
  • feeling guilty for no reason?
  • having severe relationship troubles?
  • feel like having to die when your partner leaves you?
  • not daring to fully take your place in life?
  • having a strong desire for physical contact and you are at the same time afraid of it?

Probably you have not been alone in the womb at the beginning of your life. There was a twin with you who died early.

This weekend is suitable for anyone who knows or suspects that they did not begin the journey into life by themselves, but that there was a twin in the womb with them who died during pregnancy. We call such survivors „solitary twins“ or „alone-born twins“. Our respected colleague Althea Hayton from England has created the alternate term „womb twin survivor“. Scientists often speak of the „Vanishing twin syndrome“

Many solitary twins suffer from loneliness, longing, deep feelings of guilt, states of panic, and more. Many have tried lots of different therapies without significant signs of improvement.

Gently we open prenatal memories to rediscover the tender love towards the other twin and to open the heart of the surviving twin. The feelings of closeness and deep unity are brought back to consciousness. By reconnecting to the other twin, mental turmoil can come to peace. The search has finally reached its goal.

When the other twin is rediscovered, it is time for the wounds and confusions to heal. Each sole twin survivor has their personal healing path which we support with exercises and rituals.
Often the pain and grief needs loving attention and then there is space for the joy and the gratefulness for this precious intensive closeness that had been shared in the womb. The love that had been shared rests forever in the heart.

For many survivors it is important that the shock that they experienced when the other twin died needs care and healing.

Feeling whole without the other twin and being without feelings of guilt requires healing on a physical and on an energetic level. The energetic hole that emerged with the death of the other twin may heal and close.

During this weekend we work with partner exercises and exercises in small groups that are derived from family constellation, energetic trauma therapy (EFT, Matrix Reimprinting), Biodynamic bodywork, with rituals and inner journeys and with a lot aof sharing of personal experiences. You will make new friends in the seminar.

In a respectful and protected group atmosphere healing can be supported in a way that love of life, successful relationships and satisfying working life can be fulfilled.


Alfred Ramoda Austermann
psychologist  MA/ alternative medicine practitioner


Bettina Austermann
social pedagogue MA/ alternative practitioner psychotherapy



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